web design

web development

web design

web development

Examination of the Necessary Facilities in a Petroleum Web Design

According to the importance of petrochemical and oil industry, a petroleum web design seems necessary for all active companies in this field. In a petroleum web design, the needs assessment should be firstly performed. In this section, the factors which lead to the increase in prosperity of a petroleum website should be examined. In order to achieve this goal, the employers’ real needs have to be assessed, and accordingly, the petroleum web design should be performed. In the next stage, a tool assessment should be operated. At this stage, we should examine which programming language or software has to be used in designing a petroleum website according to the oil company activity.

Introduction of Some Necessary Facilities in a Petroleum Web Design

In a petroleum web design, the graphic and design of the home page is highly influential for the employers. In order to design the home page, it would be better to use the related photos with the oil company activities. The photos should be selected with a high quality and based on the users’ psychological needs so that they could attract their attention. Introductory section is another part of a petroleum web design which absolutely influences user’s trust. In this section, the manager and the company policy should be mentioned in addition to introducing the company and its activities. Designing a section with different titles with the aim of providing services for the users as well as auctions and tenders is an inseparable component of designing a petroleum website. This section should have a simple and accessible design so that the user could easily access the related section. Normally, most oil companies present public utility services as a social responsibility in line with helping people or protecting the environment, and it would be better to consider them in the petroleum web design since they influence gaining the users’ trust.

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