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web design

web development

What Does Webmail Mean in a Web Design?

All of us are totally familiar with the concept of email. By using webmail in a web design, we mean a space similar to emails. In fact, we mails are some textual tools based on site space like emails which are used for sending and receiving emails. If you have launched a profession, a web design and creating a webmail with a private domain of a professional website will be necessary for you. The general structure of a webmail address is yourname@yoursite.com. In a web design, you could have access to the received messages and manage them by creating a webmail on your domain. In addition, you could create several user accounts as private emails as well as a webmail on the same domain.

Steps of Creating a Webmail in a Web Design

After determining the domain and host in your web design, you could create your specific webmail or email by using host management panel. One of the most famous and useful Linux host management panels is called cPanel. The stages of creating a webmail in cPanel are as follows: Firstly, enter the host panel of cPanel. Afterwards, enter the email section and select email account option. Next, enter the email address which you are going to create in this section. After determining the address, select your favorite account password in the password section and repeat it in the following box. Then, determine the specific space for your account in Mailbox Quot. Finally, click on “create an account” so that your webmail is created.

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