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web design

web development

Effective Techniques in Backlink Building after a Web Design

According to the majority of designers, one of the most important steps for SEO increase after a web design is backlink building. Backlinks refer to the links which are inserted in other websites and direct the user to your website. When users enter your website via a backlink, Google credits your website due to users’ interest in visiting the site. In order to increase your website SEO after the web design, try to put your backlinks in high-rank websites.

What Are the Effective Techniques in Backlink Building after a Web Design?

One of the best places for inserting backlinks after a web design is guest’s post in different websites. This issue was already stated; however, it would be better to put your backlinks in the high-visited websites or convince the web managers with related affaires with your business to insert some posts in their website. In addition to these solutions, you could generate contents in a completely professional and intelligent way after the website design, and finally, introduce yourself as the web manager in the writer introductory section. LinkedIn is an appropriate space for weblog writing and backlink building as an active social medium. In this social medium, numerous experts are in contact in each field, and it could be a suitable place for backlink building based on your business. After the web design, try to utilize LinkedIn for inserting your weblog and backlink since one of its important advantages is the ability to follow your contents. According to the high rank of LinkedIn, each click creates a higher point and rank compared to the rest of social media.

Does the Site Domain Influence SEO?

One of the questions which the web design applicants may ask is that which domain they should register in order to perform SEO. Or does the site domain influence SEO or not? To answer these questions, it should be said that the type of domain and registration as well as considering the infrastructures of a domain could influence your site SEO. In general, observing some points regarding domain registration helps you optimize your website more easily.

What Are the Effective Points for a Domain Registration?

The first point during a site domain registration is its expiration date, i.e. when you register your domain for 5 years, you will have more chance for increasing SEO compared to 2 years. Therefore, the domain expiration date could have a great effect in the site SEO. In addition, the life of domain is influential in site optimization. However, you should consider that the domain life is counted from indexing in the search engine. When registering a domain, try to select a correct name which is relevant to your field of activity. You should be careful that your keyword should be somewhat mentioned in the domain so that SEO actions could be performed more easily in your website. The next important and effective point for site optimization is the security of domain and installing SSL as well as changing the address from http to https. Moreover, using country suffixes (like .ir) in the domain registration sets the websites in a better rank among the users who search based on the IP of their intended country. The other effective factor in the domain SEO is the shortness of letters. The shorter domain is used without dashes and long words, the easier optimization we will have.

Designing Accessible Professional Websites for Search Engines

In order to make your professional web design accessible for both search engines and users, you should observe some points in the web design. Observing these points leads your website to a popular one for the search engines or so-called Google-admired.

Points to Observe for Having a Google-Admired Professional Web Design

The first point which should be observed in a professional web design is optimization of the address. You ought to try as much as possible to make a simple comprehendible address so that the user could easily remember it. Another noticeable point in the professional web design is speed optimization. You should bear in mind that a high speed in the web design leads the user to have a good memory from your website. However, page loading speed in a professional web design is an important parameter which determines Google ranking. In addition, optimization of internal links is the other element for ranking a professional web design. User interface optimization is the other factor which should be observed in a professional web design so that the site could be more useful for users, and this changes your site to a more attractive and pleasant one for the search engines. Bear in mind that you should use the codes which are optimized for Google crawler. Furthermore, ensure that your website is certainly registered and activated in Web Master Tools. This tool enables Google to be in contact with you whenever you have a problem in your website.

Picture Optimization in a Professional Web Design

In a professional web design, pictures are the main important part of the web design. Picture adjustment and optimization is very important in a web design, i.e. if no section is considered for picture adjustment and the pictures are uploaded without any adjustment and optimization, they could damage the site traffic severely. The pictures should be appropriately used in a professional web design regarding their relation with the text as well as the quality and size adjustment so that there will be no problem in site loading. In addition, they have to be optimized concerning SEO settings, which need installation of picture adjustment plugins in the professional web design. In order to adjust pictures in WordPress CMS, there are many plugins with special features, and the designer could easily select an appropriate plugin in order to adjust pictures in a web design through reading their abilities.

Picture Adjustment Plugins in a Professional Web Design

The plugins which are created in order to adjust and optimize pictures in a professional web design lead to SEO optimization in addition to site acceleration. One of the most important plugins for picture adjustment is WP Smush which could easily compress high-volume pictures. Imsanity is one of the plugins which has the ability to adjust high-volume pictures. Moreover, EWWW Image Optimizer will be appropriate when you require a plugin which can adjust your web pictures automatically. Cw-image-optimizer is another suitable plugin for automatic picture adjustment. The other professional plugin for this purpose is called Hammy. One of the features of this plugin is creating compatible pictures.

Noticeable Points for Host Selection in a Professional Web Design

Selecting the type of host is of great importance in a professional web design. In fact, host is a space where you set your pages after designing a website. This space is a small the whole space of a computer which is permanently connected to the internet and enables explorers to access your web pages. During a professional web design, you need to consider some factors in selecting the host in order to have a more appropriate selection and not to become confused.

Noticeable Points for Host Selection in a Professional Web Design

In order to have a better host selection, you should firstly consider that your web design is going to be performed for which purpose and need. That is, whether the professional web design is related to a large shopping or it is a personal website. If you do not need to design an expansive professional website, low-capacity hosts can simply meet your need. In addition, you should always determine whether you are going to develop your website in the future or not. In order to select the host in a professional web design, you should always consider the future and select the host capacity based on that. When selecting a host, you should certainly consider the backup service of the supplier since continuous stops in your website will have a negative effect on users. In order to be ensured of the host supplier company, you have to evaluate their customer service by sending an email to the company backup department.