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web design

web development

Shopping Web Design and the Effect of URL

Undoubtedly, you seek for some solutions for increasing visitors after your shopping web design. One of the solutions for increasing visitors in a shopping web design is using optimized URL. You may ask about the effects of URL optimization on increasing the number of customers in the shopping web design. This matter will be stated in the following part.

Shopping Web Design and the Effect of URL on Customers

In a shopping web design, try to use short and readable URLs as possible. When you use long URLs, many customers may have problem when copying URL address or they may omit a part of it. In this case, a small mistake repels them from visiting your site.

The type of URL words highly influences customers’ intention for visiting your website. In designing a shopping website, the words should be selected in a way that the customer could realize the type of purchasing and services. The used words should be readable so that they put a positive effect on customers.

In designing a shopping website, you should avoid using vague marks in the URL address so that customers could simply use your URL. Marks have a negative effect on gaining customers’ trust. In addition, you should use dashes instead of space in the web design. If you use underscore instead of dash, Google will examine it in its algorithms and it will be considered as a negative point for your website.

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